Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hate Mail

So, I have been preparing for this Sunday's theme at Cornerstone, what THE BOOK says about MONEY. One of the books I read as additional commentary was Dave Ramsey's TOTAL MONEY MAKEOVER. I was taken back at the start of his book. He says, "I get alot of hate mail and criticism. This book has generated alot of negativity and name-calling." What??? Are you serious? A HUGE financial success writes a book, tells the unvarnished truth about the steps he took to get there, offers his wisdom for the simple price of the book, and people HATE HIM FOR IT? Geez Louise. But that's our general culture for you. One would think that the advice of someone who has succeeded where I have not would be valued and welcomed. The tendency in most of us is not so simple and grateful, however. We get attached to a goal we want regardless, a behavior we want to continue anyhow, a relationship we want to obtain whatever the cost--even spending we don't want to discontinue. So, when someone who has been successful in an area where we have not yet gives us advice that runs agianst what we have already decided to do, we reject the advice and often even THEM. But, as Jesus said (recorded in Luke 7:35), "Wisdom is proved right by all her children." Dave doesn't need the applause of the hate-mailers or even to answer them. Time will show (and is showing) who has the goods and is wise.

Dave actually gave some good advice when any of us get "hate mail" and name-calling. He says, "...the negativity means two things: for some people we are touching a nerve that needs to be touched in order for them to change their lives, and two, I am actively and passionately pursuing the truth. Aristotle once said, 'To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, and be nothing. ' I can't help people change their lives by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing. So I take the anger, the criticism, and even the hate mail as encouragement."

That speaks to me in two ways: First, don't be personally defensive when I get advice that goes against my grain and desires. Second, when I am on the giving end of a message someone doesn't want to hear, don't be surprised and quit when people don't want to hear it. The old proverb "Don't kill the messenger" was written because of this human tendency. But wisdom is proved. Time will tell. Please put wise people in my path, and help me listen, Lord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen, and AMEN. To God be all glory & honor given.