Friday, January 24, 2014

Get Smart!

We continually warn our children about "stranger danger" (and we should), but the sobering fact is that more than 50% of murder victims are killed by someone they know, most often a family member. Somewhere between 80-90% of sexual abuse victims are violated by a family member or another close associate, like a mother's boyfriend. Closeness to a person does not guarantee safety--in fact, it often exacerbates danger.

While violence is a huge problem in our society, the majority of us are not going to suffer in those horrific ways. But we do experience the death of dreams, the abuse of self-worth, the destruction of trust,  absolute violence of our mission in life. We live life devoid of wisdom and fulfillment, and filled with way too much hurt.  How does that happen?

Solomon, wisest human besides the God-man Jesus
who ever lived, states it plainly, "Walk with the wise, and grow wiser still, but a companion of fools will suffer harm." Proverbs 13:20. No question about it. In 5 years, where you will be, how happy you will be, how much self-respect you will have, the reputation you will enjoy or despise, the opportunities you have or don't have...these will all be a result of the people with whom you choose to surround yourself.

Choose well. The cost you will pay is high. Make sure it is worth it.

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