Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Decisions, decisions!

My friend Debbie Ring posted this on her facebook---I have applied these tests in my own life, and whenever i do, the result is great!

7 Questions For Decisions I’m Trying To Make..

1.) Is it consistent with the word? Psalm 119:11 (treasure the word)2.) Is this a wise decision? If I do it what are the future consequences of it? As I ask questions the Holy Spirit is going to bear witness to me. (Satan will make me rationalize)3.) Can I honestly ask God to enable me to do this? (Example: money you need asap/ trickiness – purposely hurt someone to get what you want.)4.) Do I have a genuine peace about this? Galatians 3:15 You can not force peace – it can be his will, but not his time.5.) Does this fit who I am in Christ? 6.) Does this fit Gods overall plan for my life?7.) If I make it will it honor God? Actions and attitudes keeping in line? Don’t let satan trick me! God will make the answers crystal clear, I have the almighty God on my side!Now that I know His will, am I willing to do it? May not be popular, may be criticized. You can not loose if your in His will. Obey and watch it work!! He makes it simple, we make it complex.~Charles Stanley

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