Friday, March 19, 2010


March 22, 2010
Did you know that millions of people are struggling today without access to what you and I just took for granted? Yes, you and I got up, showered, brushed our teeth, made coffee--all without a thought of how precious the commodity of water is or how blessed we are to have clean, safe, water at our fingertips. We often waste more water in a day than an entire family has to drink daily in many desperate locations.

Monday, March 22, is a day the entire world has taken to remember this and make a difference. The Clear Blue Global Water Project thinks about it year-round. We realize that, truly, we with resources hold the rest of the world in our hands.

What can you do? Pray. Conserve. Share the need. Give. Get others involved. Visit Clear Blue water Project and get educated on the need and current projects. Then start collecting change, giving part of your tax refund, getting friends to help at work or school. This is a small world. We ARE our brother's keeper. Do SOMETHING.

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