We have a "Win Wall" at our church, a place where we have 12 8x10 pictures hanging to show positive things in life, and we change them up whenever something new and cool happens. The last set of pictures hanging there had a beautiful one of Bruce Oberlin, one of our staff members, standing there with a huge cheesy grin on his face, arm around his beautiful daughter Meghan. The place they had chosen for the picture was our vision statement wall, that says "Making a successful pass of a vibrant faith."
Hundreds of adults had looked at the picture and said or thought, "Awwww....isn't that sweet?" it took an alert teen to show us that where Bruce and Meghan were positioned covered up pretty vital letters in the wall mural. As clear as it could possibly be, Bruce was smiling, framed by the words, "Making a ass".
I laughed till I cried when I first saw it. Thought of it again this morning, and am still wiping tears.
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